Welcome to the home of junior badminton in Wiltshire. On this site you will find all of the information required to enable you to participate and enjoy badminton within Wiltshire.

Acers Junior Badminton Club

Contact: Jag Racharla
Tel: 07834 559317
Email: jagadambi@googlemail.com

Club Venues: Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH

Club Nights: Friday 17:30 - 19:00


Aero Badminton Club

Contact: Geoff Mascall
Tel: 07703 203893
Email: committee@aerobc.co.uk

Club Venues: Hardenhuish School
Hardenhuish Lane, Chippenham, SN14 6RJ

Club Nights: Thurs 6.00 - 8.00pm
Web: www.aerobc.co.uk

premier club logo

Calne Junior Badminton Club

Contact: David Preston
Tel: 07769 785 126
Email: playbadminton@calnebc.com

Club Venues:
Calne Leisure Centre,
White Horse Way, Calne, SN11 0SP

Club Nights: Wed: 18:00 - 20:00pm


Corsham Junior Badminton Club

ContactTim Bailey
Tel: Please email us.
Email: cbc@corshambadminton.com

Club Venues: Springfield Community Campus
Beechfield Road
SN13 9DN

Club Nights: Monday 6-7.30pm
Web: www.corshambadminton.com


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